As you explore a non-fiction topic, it is important to recognize the importance of verifying information by looking at reliable sources. Databases permit you to extract specific facts from within a collection of verified and accurate information. The databases below will help you with your research projects.
Some of these databases require access codes or usernames/passwords - please see Miss Mendez for this information. Do not hesitate to task for help in using these databases and finding information!
- Brainpop
- Britannica E-School - See Ms. Mendez for access code
- Digital Public Library of America
- Gale - Middle School - see Ms. Mendez for access code
- Gale - Opposing Viewpoints - See Ms. Mendez for access code
- Gale - All databases - See Ms. Mendez for access code
- Finkelstein Library Databases - ** You need a public library card for access.